

(Note: Name changed to protect identity)

I arrived in the USA on a spouse visa last year. Everything was good for two weeks, then my husband and his in-laws began to ask me for dowry. My husband was a drunkard and chain smoker—I tried my best to change him but it was no use and soon the abuse began. The first time he hit me was in November, after he drank a bottle of alcohol. I didn't tell anyone. In three weeks it happened again, and soon it became routine for him to hit me. I didn’t tell my parents for fear of worrying them. His parents would encourage him!

I was preparing for my NLEX-RN exam and the family would curse me and tell me I would never pass. I passed on it on my first attempt! I thought he would change after that, but he continued to hit me. In the first week of May I called 911, informed my cousin in New York, and left my house. When I was running out of the house I met some Indians who seemed to me to be sent by God— they helped me a lot. My brother-in-law and some of his churchmates helped me too, and the next day I went to New York to my cousin.

Now I have started working in a hospital and a case has been made for order of protection and for divorce. I want to tell you, all those who suffer, that you don't need to suffer. There are so many laws to help us, and God is always with us to guide us. In my case he sent Sthree to help me. Now that I have got the order of protection, everything will be alright soon. My immigration lawyer will extend my status from two years to ten years once the divorce is finished.

So if you feel you are being abused don't be upset or panic... call the police and inform them. This country will help you in a lot of ways.