What is abuse?
Phrases like domestic abuse and violence can sound intimidating. The definition of relationship abuse extends from dominance and control to violence. Listed below is an extensive list of these signs. Recognizing these signs and acknowledging them is the first step towards change. If you or a friend ticks any of these boxes, it is important to pay due attention to the relationship. If you believe that your partner is being abusive, confide in a close friend/co-worker/neighbor/family member. Creating a support group to help reinforce your self-confidence and treat any anxiety or depression you are experiencing is important. If you suspect that your friend is in an abusive relationship choose a safe time and place to bring it up with them. Let them know that they can confide in you and that you will support them.
Take the quiz
The following questions will help determine if you are or your friend is in an abusive relationship. If you tick any of the boxes below it means that there is need for some change in your relationship. Does your partner: